Car Man 十種女人讓男人無法離開(Makes one to let all men not be able to leave you the woman)Take my breath away做個他離不開你的女人,做個讓男人暈頭轉向的女人,女人知道自己想要什麼,也知道適時的表達出她的需要,因此,結果常常是這種女人最終能如願以償的取悅男人的心。Is him not to be able to leave you the woman, makes the woman who lets the man be completely muddled, the woman knew oneself wants any, also knows at the right moment expression her need, therefore, the result is frequently this kind of woman finally can achieve wishes tries to please man's 酒店打工heart. 第一種:保持獨立 Maintenance independence 不管她是某個公司的CEO,還是餐廳的女招待,都無關緊要。她有最真誠的生活。她有自己的榮譽,她不靠乞憐維生。No matter she is some company's CEO, dining room hostess, all immaterial.She has the most sincere life.She has own honor, she does not depend on begs maintains livelihood. 第二種:不糾纏對方Does not pester opposite party星星、月亮和太陽都有它們各自的軌跡,同樣,她也不會圍著他團團轉。當她的星座圖喻示出他的水星正在遠離她的金星是,她不會再與他約會。她不會糾纏他或者監視他。他可不是宇宙的中心。 The star, the 澎湖民宿moon and the sun all have they respective path, similarly, she cannot gather round him to run around in circles.When her star map explains shows his Mercury to be far away her Venus is, she cannot again with his appointment.She cannot pester him or monitor him.He may not be the universe center. 第三種:神秘莫測 Wrapped in a shroud of obscurity正直與坦誠是有區別的。她是正直的,但並不是意味她需要坦白一切。她並不會明明白白的把她自己的底牌放在桌面上。她知道,近之則不遜——太熟悉則會埋下不尊重的種子,甚至埋下厭倦的種子。 Honest and Upright has the 設計裝潢difference.She is honest, but is not meant she needs to confess all.She cannot clear place hers card in a hand on the tabletop.She knew, near then rude - - too familiar can lay down the seed which does not respect, even lays down the seed which is weary of. 第四種:她會讓他心急難堪 She can let him impatiently embarrassed她不需要每天晚上見到他,也不會在他的電話上留下長篇的留言。她的名字不在他秘書安排的一周計劃的第一位。其實,男人們也渴望愛。渴望的感受,也非常美好。 She does not need every evening to see him, also cannot leave behind the lengthy message 找房子on his telephone.Her name not week plan first which arranges in his secretary.Actually, the men also long for the love.Hope feeling, also is extremely happy. 第五種:不讓他看見自己的狼狽相 Does not let him see distressedly own 她盡量不在思維混亂的時候與他交流,也盡量避免心煩意亂的時候與他溝通。等他頭腦清醒的時候,再以簡明扼要的方式表達出來。 She as far as possible not at thought chaotic time exchanges with him, also avoids the confused time as far as possible communicates with him.Waits he is clear-headed, again by the brief and to the point way 找房子expresses. 第六種:自主安排自己的時間 Arranges own independently time她故意放慢速度,特別是當他迫不及待的時候。她以自己的節奏行事,而不是按照對方的腳步,目的是要防止受他擺佈。 She slows the tempo intentionally, specially works as him to be impatient.She by own rhythm conduct, but is not defers to opposite party footsteps, the goal is must prevent is organized him. 第七種:她保持幽默感 She maintains the sense of humor她的幽默可以讓對方感受到她的獨立思考。但是,她不會嘲笑他,也不會對他不尊重。 She humorous may let opposite party feel her independent 宜蘭民宿thinking.But, she cannot ridicule him, also cannot not respect to him. 第八種:她相當自信 She is quite self-confident當他恭維她時,她會說「謝謝」。她不會去阻止他的讚美。她也不會詢問他前任女友的長相,也不會跟其他女人爭風吃醋。When he thinks highly of her, she can say “thanks”.She cannot prevent his praising.She cannot inquire his predecessor the girlfriend the appearance, also cannot be rivals for sexual favor with other women. 第九種:她對某些事情的熱情超過對他的需要 She surpasses to certain matter enthusiasm to his need當他感覺到,她不是對他「一旦擁有,新成屋別無所求」的時候,他更覺得她充滿了魅力。因為有要忙的事情,所以她就不會為見不到他而憤憤然。在她心目中他沒有特權,沒有取得「固定的車位」,也沒有「專用通道」。他所得到的,不過是緊挨著「停車場出口」的一個「臨時車位」而已。 When he felt “once, she is not has to him, no other strives for” time, he thought she has filled the charm.Because has wants the busy matter, therefore she cannot but for cannot see him indignant angrily.He does not have the privilege in her mind, has not obtained “the fixed berth”, also does not have “the special-purpose channel”.He 花蓮民宿obtains, but is suffering “the parking lot exportation” tightly one “the temporary berth”. 第十種:她珍愛自己的身體 She treasures own body她注重自己的外貌和健康。一個人如何保持他/她的容貌,可以反映出其自尊的程度。如果他告訴她,他不喜歡紅色的唇膏,而這種唇膏又讓她感覺良好,她會照樣使用。 She pays great attention to own appearance and the health.How does a person maintain his/her appearance, may reflect its self-respect the degree.If he tells her, he does not like the red lipstick, but this kind of lipstick lets her feel good, she can use in the same 信用貸款old way. 做個個性的女人吧,讓男人慢性中毒,當男人的毒癮被挑起來的時候,你會不會為自己的高明與個性而自豪呢,抓住男人靠的不止是知情達理,還要有自己的個性,這樣的女人,才是最有魅力的。 Makes one to have the individuality woman, lets the man chronicity poison, when man's drug dependence is selected time, but can you for own wisely with the individuality proud, holds continuing which the man depends on is reasonable, but also must have own individuality, such woman, is most charming. 引用:! 3F EU1daLQ0OObXbaA 0A 代償-/article?mid=35289 (Translate)

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